December 2021
Roadtrip to Muscat
Oman is the oldest continuously independent state in the Arab world. Located in an area bordering the mouth of the Persian Gulf, the country shares land borders with Saudi Arabia, UAE and Yemen. We left from Dubai for a road-trip of 3 days to and through the middle part of Oman. During our trip, we enjoyed the amazing nature, wadis and beautiful ancient cities of heritage and culture. Muscat is the capital city and was our furthest milestone on this trip.

Here is our itinerary ⬇️
Day 1: Dubai - Muscat (450 km) (via border crossing Hatta) (overnight Muscat).
Day 2: Muscat - Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque (17 km) - Birkat Al Mouz (131 km) - Nizwa (22 km) - (Wadi) Tanuf (23 km) - Misfah Al Abriyeen (37 km) (overnight Misfah).
Day 3: Misfah Al Abriyeen - Nizwa (we had to go back to get our PCR results) (58 km) - Wadi Ghul (60 km) - Jebel Shams (half way) (40 km) - Dubai (via Jebel Kawr off road track, 4x4 needed) and border crossing Al Ain (Mezyad) (380 km). Total km: around 1,220.

See below several links that lead to pages in which we describe in detail the various visits we made in Oman.

Read and see more about this trip via the links below.