Misfah Al Abriyeen

Misfat Al Abriyeen is around 300 years old. The settlers created the village hundreds of years ago and started to farm the land as a natural Omani oasis was found here. Nowadays it is still an oasis town of lush terraces, shadowy passageways and staircases, beaten houses and hard rock, 1000m high, in a beautiful surroundings. The village is quite small, you need to park your car outside since the cobbled streets and paths can only really be travelled on foot. The village only has a small population of around 1000 people. The mud-brick houses that make up the majority of the village have stood strong for hundreds of years. This shows the quality of the architecture that can be found here. The height of the village and its paths to the upper level of the village, creates beautiful vistas stretching for miles.

When the sun rises in Misfah...

Exploring the ancient village

Falaj irrigation system
The terraces make use of a centuries-old irrigation system known as Falaj. This is essentially a winding river that has been carved into the rock of the mountain that transports fresh spring water. It runs from higher in the mountain, down into the terrace gardens where the dates, mangoes and other trees are cultivated.

Misfah by night